Sadie Ann

PS- It's gonna get personal!

Navarre Beach Photographer
The Photographer

This is my story: Sadie Ann

Hi, all.

First and foremost, I want to thank you for taking the time out of your busy day to get to know me. It is honestly such an honor.

Like most photographers you'll see out and about today, I am self taught. I purchased my first camera right before my daughter way born (2016, if you were wondering). I immediately became an obsessive "mom-tographer".

I continued to practice my craft, and eventually became in love with my work. I even began my own little "Sadie Ann Photography" business back in 2018.

And WOW, have I learned so much since then.

Navarre Beach Photographer
Pensacola Photographer
Navarre Beach Photographer

Then the fall...

Between late 2018 all the way until 2020, I battled what felt like a never ending divorce and custody case. It was brutal and left me to nothing. I tried like hell to continue my passion business, but every time I would start back up again, I would immediately panic and quit. Although I loved photography, my confidence became obselete. I was tired and stressed. I even had to take up a full time job in corporate America to be able to afford being a single mom at that time.

Navarre Beach Photographer
Above image by Thistle and Pine Photography

The Reset

In 2019, in the midst of my divorce, I met the man of my dreams. Fast forward to today, I still work my 9-5 corporate job, but I now have the support and love of a man that makes picking my photography business back up an easy decision. This time I have help and encouragement, and this time I am ready to take on the world!

Pensacola Photographer
Pensacola Photographer

To a new chapter

So here we are, as a team. Two passion driven people ready to take on the world through imagery.

What sets us apart is our experiences and passion for resilience.

Navarre Beach Photographer
Pensacola Beach Photographer
Pensacola Beach Photographer
Pensacola Beach Photographer
Navarre Beach Photographer
Navarre Beach Photographer
Pensacola Photographer
Navarre Beach Photographer
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We get that every family, every couple, and every individual has a story that sets you apart. We get it, we've lived it, and we continue to thrive because of it. When we work, we keep YOUR story in mind. I, Sadie, am the photographer, and I do this by getting to know you prior to your session. I take this part of my job very seriosuly, because at the end of the day, these pictures are going up on YOUR walls, and will be a reminder of YOUR life and YOUR experiences. I want your session to reflect that. After getting to know you, I will use prompts during your session to help you relax and guide you through the process. What I'm looking for is the raw emotion. The look in your eye when you see someone you love, the smile you naturally have as your child runs to you, the sigh of relief when you let your guard down- THATS WHAT I'M LOOKING FOR. And I promise you, I'm pretty good at finding it.

Skylar does this by working on the back end through the bookings, SEO, social media management, and advising me when things need to pivot based on our clients interests.

We work together as a team, and are here to not just support eachother, but to support you too.

Navarre Beach Photographer
Navarre Beach Photographer

Ready to come along for the ride and have the time of your life on the beach or in the woods? Then inquire with us today!

Let's Connect!