That's right friends, we did it. And we had some surprises along the way! Go through the following gallery and see our Scotland Adventure story unfolds

I'm not sure if you caught it, but there was one image that told the most beautiful sotry... if you didn't, don't worry! I'll be attaching a few more pictures below that eloborate:

The images above were taken by Scott Photography Co.

Images above were taken by Thistle and Pine Photography


Why we went to Scotland:

Before I decided to get back into the Photography world and reopen my business under a different name, my dearest friend reached out and asked if Skylar and I would consider attending her photography retreat in Scotland as models.

This friend was the first person to take me to Scotland, and the person that saw me unravel in the highlands, and finally have the courage to divorce out of a very unhealthy marriage. I found myself again in the highlands, and here I was, being asked to go back.

Obviously I said yes.

Skylar and I have been together for a little over four years at this point. We have lived together for three of those years, and never really planned on getting married. Actually, for awhile, I was hell bent against it. But over the years, my heart began to soften again, and I finally began to dream of spending eternity with someone who had proven that they were commited to my daughter and I.

Long story short.. during our modeling session, Skylar proposed. There were multiple photographers there to not only witness this life changing moment, but also document it. It was completely surreal and nothing would ever compare the magic I felt in that moment.

Scotland was where I decided to leave a toxic marriage, and Scotland was where I said "yes" to entering a new one.

The county will forever hold a piece of my soul.

I began writting this blog post in June, 2023. However, I am posting it in November, 2023. Life got crazy! My business exploded with sooooo many new clients, and I scarcely had time to sleep, let alone write blog posts. However, I still wanted to share my Scotland journey with you all. I hope you enjoyed! And now that it's slowed down a bit for winter, I will be writting soooo many more posts!

See you soon :)

xoxo Sadie